State Rep. Kelly Keisling, R-Byrdstown, is pleased to announce the following communities in House District 38 have been awarded a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG):
Macon County: $364,465 for Fire Protection
Pickett County: $357,280 for EMS Improvements
The allocation of CDBG funds is based on priorities set through the public meeting process at the local community level. The CDBG program is funded through HUD and administered in Tennessee by the Department of Economic and Community Development. Funds are available for health and safety projects and other improvements to enhance the quality of life in Tennessee’s rural communities.
Kelly Keisling serves as State Representative for House District 38 which encompasses Macon, Clay, Pickett, Scott, and part of Fentress Counties. To reach State Representative Kelly Keisling, call 615-741-6853 or email him at rep.kelly.keisling@capitol.tn.gov. Connect with Kelly on Facebook and Twitter.